Posted: October 19, 2011 in Uncategorized

The moon was full with brilliant beams of moon light shining through the giant ponderosa pines onto our small tent where air mattresses and sleeping bags awaited us.  Bev entered first and lay down on her bed. I followed to lay on mine.  Within my mind, I asked the Lord, “Is this the time?” and He said “This is the time.”  I was as nervous as when I proposed marriage to Bev so many years earlier.  I leaned upward on one elbow, looked into Bev’ eyes, and began to speak these words (edited into my own understanding of the words God had given me) to Bev while gazing deep into her beautiful brown eyes:

“How beautiful you are my darling!”  She smiled broadly.

“Your eyes are like almonds in settings of whipped cream, behind your veil.”  She flashed a puzzled smile in amazement.

“Your teeth are like a flock of freshly shorn ewes, which have come up from their washing, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young (I changed it to “not one missing”).  Bev smiled into a giggle.

“Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is lovely.”  She knew how much I meant my words now and was connecting fully with the message but with a mysterious look on her face.

“You temples are like a slice of pomegranate behind your veil.”  Still smiling.

“Your neck is like a pillar in the temple of the Lord.”  It was getting good now.

Finally, “And your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead.”  Bev turned her head to the side and said, “I don’t know what it is that you are doing, but I sure do like it!  Where in the world did you get all those words?”  And I said (remembering my instructions from the Lord), “I can’t tell you.”

In Part 3, I will continue with exactly what the Lord had me do that broke a lifetime of criticism and judgmentalism.


Please send me any prayer request.  I promise to take it before the Lord while we are visiting Red River right now.  I look forward to praying for you and your concerns.

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  1. Susan Ribecca says:

    Dear Ras,
    Your story from this morning’s post is such an incredible blessing to me, I can’t wait to read on in the next installment. I too have a critical spirit, I have found myself snapping at everyone lately and feel like I can’t get out of my own way with it! it is such a defeated place, and the enemy knows it. Recently the Lord revealed some things to me I believe are keys for me and will lead to a complete deliverance of the critical, sharp spirit, and I believe will help some of your readers. I was praying one morning before dawn and with my eyes closed I saw the words clearly, “Holiness to the Lord” I knew I had seen these words before, so I looked in my concordance and found them in Exodus 28 when God is instructing Moses on the exact way the High Priest’s garments should be. The words “Holiness to the Lord” were to be inscribed on a plate of solid gold and attached to the front of the turban on the High Priest’s head. I knew He was saying something to me about holiness, but needed to keep seeking. Two days ago He opened my eyes to more of His Truth, I was lead to Matthew 13:7 where Jesus is teaching from the Parable of the sower, He is talking about the thorns and how they spring up and choke the seed of His Word and the believer becomes unfruitful. Jesus goes on later to explain that the thorns represent the cares (the ways and behaviors and attitudes) of the world’s system, and chasing after worldly riches and success. Then the next morning came Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable will of God”
    I knew by the Spirit of God that He was showing me a direct connection to “Holiness to the Lord”and that it represented a sanctified and holy thoughtlife. Although I spend much time in prayer and communion with the Lord, spend much time in His Word, the seeds that are being sown into me each time I am with Him, are being choked by the thoughts I am havingand then my actions and words come out and are not lining up with Him or His Ways. I keep going around the same mountain in certain areas and relationships in my life because of this. Praise God He is helping me to see and hear. Lord help me to be a doer of Your Word.
    “Take the thoughts captive. Cast them down at My Feet, don’t conform your thinking, your intentions, your attitudes to the flesh/world , By My Power and My Word I will tranform your thinking to line up with Mine, and you will be truly free. For whom I set free is truly free indeed!” Thank you Lord Jesus!! Thank you Ras & Bev for the wonderful ministry God has given you, it is a real blessing to me! Sue R


  2. Marilyn says:

    Please pray that God will give me the anointing to do this again. I had it at one time – I walked into a home that was literally filled with what ‘we’ would consider serious sin. I could honestly tell the men that God loved them unconditionally. It came from my heart – I really believed what I was saying. One of the men would start shaking and say that God couldn’t love him. He was too bad. God had us clean the apartment. I told God, You must really love this man to have us do this. He said, I love him much more than that. I love him so much I had My Son die for him. God would never let me say anything about the sin. However, when the man had all his money stolen, God had me tell him that he needed to forgive or he wouldn’t be forgiven. I told him, Now is the time to decide if you want to follow Jesus. Will you follow him if you never have another dime? The man gave his life to Jesus that day and is now in heaven. I saw the other man several years later. He had been through drug rehab, was married with a baby and was in church. God told me that He wanted me to start bible studies based on the least common denominator of forgiveness. Please pray that God will give me an anointing and the courage to do this – I can’t do this on my own. It has to come from my heart. I know that God loved and forgave me when I was in serious sin and I must love and forgive others in the same way, but I need Him to do it through me. I can’t do this myself. Please pray that I will be able to see people as God sees them – through the blood of Jesus and speak blessings and not curses. Thanks for your prayer.


  3. katherine bibles says:

    Please pray that I go home from the hospital soon.Also that better discernment for every situation of my life.


  4. Michele H. says:

    I need my healing to rise up…thank you for all your prayers!


  5. Patty Laramore Ada, OK says:

    Ras, Thank you for the offer to pray for any who ask while you are there in the glorious display of His wonder. I am SMACKED by the sharing that you suffered once from a critical spirit. I am bound up by the same in this season of my life, though I work very hard to suppress it, mask it, cover it. It’s been way too easy to excuse the detestable bondage because of the nature of my profession (investment advisor), and I confess regularly that it is just that…an excuse. There is ugly grumbling in my spirit that seems to hibernate right below the surface of my heart and mind because it seems to take so very little for it to spew out into my consciousness. I know it is linked to mental fatigue, when the enemy knows i’m vulnerable…again, an excuse. I am praying earnestly for the joy in Him to fully be released EVERY MOMENT, EVERY DAY, but your post this morning has prompted a fresh round of confession of this secret sin (it occurs to me it may not be as well hidden as I think…ha!). You recently prophesied (Oct 7, Friday Revelation teaching) over me the sweetest of words from the Father that I was like a sweet dessert to Him…that I am to run, to launch…such encouragement to me, and I believe your post today is connected to what is holding me in the starting blocks or held down by the anchor…God bless you and Bev in your time away these few days. I was indeed blessed by last Friday’s teachings which was possible through the online viewing! Thanks for lifting my ugly before the Father.


  6. Karrie says:

    Thank you for your honesty. In honesty, our stories can testify to God’s goodness…especially when He teaches us to overcome something. I have, with His strength, overcome many things in the last few years. Sadly, the critical spirit you spoke in today’s post is what is left and I want it gone. I, like you, have prayed for two years regarding this and it seems to sneak up on me and if I entertain it, even for a second, my thoughts spiral quickly. I have a desire for justice and righteousness so strong, yet it’s the very thing that trips me up, especially when I forget justice is God’s. Let today be my day of healing! I’ve been reading What the Lord is Saying for about two years now and I trust you are a man that discerns God’s voice from the world’s. This is why I trust leaving my prayer request for healing for my critical spirit with you. Thank you for the offer of prayer. Have a wonderful and renewing trip!


    • Ras Robinson says:

      Thank you for Karrie. I agree with you that the critical and judgmental spirit must now go. Please keep reading this series I am doing from Red River. God will speak and you will hear. And you will obey and be set free. God bless you and I will keep praying, Ras


    • Ras Robinson says:

      Thank you for Karrie. I agree with you that the critical and judgmental spirit must now go. Please keep reading this series I am doing from Red River. God will speak and you will hear. And you will obey and be set free. God bless you and I will keep praying, Ras


  7. Damaris Solis says:

    Shalom, Ras, and thank you and Bev for posting and sharing your lives. Having recently come out of a messianic synagogue where the Rabbi had the same critical and judgmental spirit, and deeply hurt by the words he spoke, I believe I can write here about a familiar experience. By trade he is a financial analyst, and it seems that he would apply the same approach to managing a young (under 10 years) congregation. Giftings of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) are a tenous thing in this movement, since much has been done in error. When the genuine appears, however, it is usually is not understood. I am visiting another congregation that understands and fosters the giftings of the Spirit of the Living G-d. This particular Rabbi even teaches on deliverance. I have not had a confirmation from G-d that this is where I am to stay. I am there for now to heal.

    The judgmental and critical spirit as it influences an individual believes that it is moving in the best interests of the individual they are communicating the judgment to. The person It is not aware how their judgment can harm the hearer, but the spirit does. It seeks the insecurity in the hearer and feeds on it. How does it even abide or influence a believer who has it? It dwells in the area of past hurts. For example, just as there is an anti-semitic spirit, there is an anti-christian/gentile spirit. To criticize those for whom Meshiach has shed His Precious Blood for, simply because they may not understand/observe as another messianic Jewish believer, is to give place to a judgmental and critical spirit. The word of G-d says “Mercy goes before judgment”. I saw a vision of this. I saw Yeshua standing, in His modest, simple robes, with his arms spread out before judgment, as in a dusty, stormy-looking brown cloud was about to arrive towards me. Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father Our King) sits on a throne of mercy. Think on this!!! Mercy has and is a substance of Heaven itself. The adversary may sneak in while exercising discernment if we are not aware it and mix that discernment with judgment. I believe then, mercy and discernment must be operating at the same time. Words in the mouth of someone in authority carry much weight

    Keep me in prayer as I seek HaShem as to where I will eventually land congregation wise. As a Jewish believer in Messiah, and a woman, with the giftings of the Ruach HaKodesh installed, I often feel like an anomaly in this movement. Please pray as well for my mother, Noemi, for complete healing from brain cancer and osteoarthritis.

    Thank you Ras, for allowing me to land here for a while amongst the other eagles and share my heart. Todah Rabah and may the L-rd richly bless you and Bev.

    Damaris Solis. .


    • Ras Robinson says:

      The Lord has heard your prayer request and so have i. May the Lord abundantly in grace and mercy. Let all healing and deliverance flow like a river. You are not an anomaly but a precious treasure of our King of Kings Jesus. We welcome eagles like you, Ras


  8. Marilyn Miller says:

    My husband who is a 30yr engineer was hit by the massive 2008 economic downturn. He tried for 2 1/2 years to get another engineering job, but was only able to find a production line job. This was hard on his identity. Even with him and I working its not paying the bills. He has created and put in patents for inventions. I’m praying for breakthrough for my husband in his endeavors. Also I have a dear young friend, that just received his heart transplant, I’m also praying that he and his wife will allow Jesus in and God would do a miracle in his life like no other. Thank you for your daily word…many times I have found it to be truly prophetic. God bless you both.


    • Ras Robinson says:

      Marilyn, may the Lord withhold no precious gift from you and your husband. Please assure him that I have passion for him in this situation and will stand with him. Lord, bless this couple . Minister deeply to the young couple with the heart transplant. Heal and transform them Lord. Praying, Ras


  9. "B.C" says:

    As you are in your special prayer place, would you please pray for me today as I continue to take Mandy (Fred’s mom) through HOPE for deep healing and revelation of God’s great love for her. Also, please pray for Fred (my little buddy) for God’s protection for him. Thanks for praying all that God gives you to pray.
    Great to talk with you on Saturday. Love you both so much!!


    • Ras Robinson says:

      Oh what a love God has for you B.C. Because you are so special, He uses you with His most choice ones like Mandy and Fred. Lord, grant wisdom for the moment by moment directives You give her. Only because of your love in B.C. can she love these they way they need it. Now empower her and cause her to enjoy every minute of it and give great fruit. I am so proud of you. Love you girl, Ras


  10. Carole Ross says:

    Wow!! God has spoke to me and thank you both for your faithfulness. I am sending you Psam 1:3!!
    I thank you for your prayers for me and Cross Prison Ministries. The Holy Spirit will pray through you for us I am sure!! I will be praying for you all to. I have ask the Lord to show me a mountain I can go to to meet with him…


  11. Richard says:


    Thank you for your invitation for prayer requests, I would heartily thank you for your prayers for me and my family. Yes, I too have had such a critical spirit in me for as long as I can remember. The Lord has worked on my heart a long time and we have made progress with regard to my temper, and many other things. But there is more that needs to be done, and I need His direction.

    It has also been a long time since I have truly felt the blessing of the Lord over my life. We have suffered tremendously in our finances over the years, due largely (I believe) to my financial indescretions early in my life, and even more recently. We have had to short sell property, and have been bankrupted. And now again we are having to move because of our landlord’s financial problems and the foreclosure of the house we live in. Every time I think we may have turned a corner and are heading in the right direction, another “problem” crops up and we seem to just get further behind. I know the Lord is using these “light afflictions” to work on me, and on our family, and I am trusting His wisdom. But I also am wondering what, if anything, I need to do in order to become victorious in this area of my life. We have been regular tithers for the last several years, and have attempted to rid ourselves of material ties, selling off many of our posessions. I freely offer it all up to the Lord … but, what else do I need to do?

    Pray for revelation, and freedom from financial worry, which does not necessarily mean a “fix” of our financial problems, but a deeper trust in the Lord’s providence. And for my critical spirit, and my wife struggles with this as well, especially (at times) of our children. We need healing in so many areas, thank you for your prayers!




    • Ras Robinson says:

      Richard, the Lord hears you and I hear you. Father, do miracles of restoration and renewal throughout his whole family and especially in Richard’s heart. The Lord loves beyond reason. Be blessed abundantly Richard, Ras


  12. Sunita Wilson says:

    Dear Ras
    Thank you for the prayer request option. from the month of march of this year there is so much strife going on with our relatives, accusation & counter accusations have left a bitter taste in relationships, what becomes easy is to forgive but unable to forget.Even the slightest mention of their names is provoking me to anger irrespective of me submitting in prayer, seeking the LORD’S forgiveness still am not able to overcome this issue of my life for which am struggling.spirit of criticism & judging others is also another area of struggle which i want to be delivered of & have a new perspective with regard to my relatives. kindly pray please.


    • Ras Robinson says:

      So sorry Sunita, I erred in replying in that my reply to another person’s request was give to you by mistake.
      May our Lord give a breakthrough in love and grace within your family and other relationships. Peace and joy to you instead of strife, in Jesus’ name.

      I was over two hours late in posting Red River #4 today. If you have not read it, you might read it and the two precious posts as well. It could help if you pray over the messages.


  13. chris says:

    Hi, I can hardly wait to hear the rest of your story, that i had difficulty sleeping yesterday, after reading the second part . I just want some more insight . Did you really feel all that you were saying to your wife, or did you just say that because God asked you to . I mean sometimes your feelings are different from your words.


  14. Ras Robinson says:

    Your insight is good and I believe sound. At times, all of us have burdens almost beyond our ability to bear. But it is always good to look inside yourself and not judge. Forgiveness rules the day. How much we take before bailing out of a situation is a function for Christians of Chris’s wisdom. You are in the right church to understand wisdom and forgiveness Marilyn. I’m praying for you.


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