How To Have A Happy Home – Introduction

Posted: April 1, 2014 in Family, How To Have A Happy Home, Uncategorized
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Ras Robinson

.  My grandfather and grandmother had chiseled on their tombstone marker the words “To God Be the Glory.” Those words were a seed for me and now for my family, believing that all our family will bring glory to our God and Savior Jesus the Christ.

In raising our two children, we taught them that our family does not get divorces. My father and mother raised six children, four girls and two boys. I am the youngest. When my siblings would come visit our parents, I would hear the latest news from their families, good and bad. In that environment, I determined that if I ever got married, my wife and I would remain committed in marriage for life. I knew it would be a challenge at times to stay together, but I knew it was God’s will. Our two children deserved that solid and stable foundation.

In the last few years, some of our family members have been on the brink of seeking divorce, just as Bev and I were when our two children were pubescent kids. But we are pleased that, so far, all of us have stayed the course. We believe God is also pleased.

I performed a marriage ceremony for a beautiful young couple. It was a great celebration for the two who were so much in love. A while later they separated. I just read that she has decided to return to her husband and try again. Needless to say I am elated about this news. But full disclosure dictates that I must also share that many other marriages are in deep trouble and looking at divorce.

THE STATE OF MARRIAGE IN AMERICA. In preparing this article, I referenced the current divorce rate through a Google search. Here is what I found to be current in a report filed in 2013:

“Marriage is a counter-cultural act in a throwaway society.” — Dr. William H. Doherty, noted marriage scholar and therapist.

An overview stated: “In the United States, researchers estimate that 40%–50% of all first marriages, and 60% of second marriages, will end in divorce.”

WHY BEV AND I ARE WRITING THIS BOOK ABOUT “HOW TO HAVE A HAPPY HOME”: Today my wife Bev and I begin, after 57 years of marriage, releasing some revelatory and practical teaching on the subject of “How to Have a Happy Home.” We believe the best starting place to having a happy home is having the right attitudes because “Right Attitudes Build Happy Homes.” That will be the focus for our first chapters.

“Attitudes” absolutely make or break happy homes. Do you have the right attitude towards your spouse? How about your offspring? We want to share with you what we have learned. Our intention is that it will inspire and help you in your home.

The cost in our marriage was great from our wrong attitudes. We came very close to losing our marriage when our two children – daughter Robin and son Kevin were in or near their teenage years. Those were our learning times. We both desired a great marriage but seemed to know little about how to make it better. So, we asked God to help us. Bev and I will share how we came to be filled with the Holy Spirit and learned to make and keep Jesus as Lord in our lives and home. Once that happened, our attitudes became more righteous and our home more happy.

Our prayer is that you can learn from our mistakes as well as many, many things we have discovered about having a happy home, often through trial and error. We hope these will bless and help you enjoy an even more happy home.

Much of what we share was first learned from seeking God in Scripture, church and prayer. We are both God-hogs with faith that never fails. Additionally, our bookcases contain most books published in recent years on Christian marriage. They have collectively been very helpful.

Our format for “How to Have a Happy Home” will be simple and based in a desire that what we share will inspire and teach you how to be a total success in your home. It is our belief that having the right attitudes, based in the righteousness of Jesus will be a giant step forward.

We have agreed that I will lead off each time with my perspective, then Bev will give hers a couple of days later.

Our topics will include:
Husbands, Fathers, Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers
Wives, Mothers, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers
Grandparenting and Great Grandparenting
Special Occasions with the Family

The first chapter “Right Attitudes Build Happy Homes” will be posted on Thursday, April 3.


  1. Niki Preston says:

    Thank you for this series. The right attitude begins with my own I am resentful toward my husband for certain things he’s done in the early part of our marriage but that’s all from the devil himself. I can change my own thinking and be fixed on God he will take care of things. As I continue to pray for my husband the last thing I want is a divorce please pray for us too. God bless you and the outpouring of wisdom you deliver from God. Love and blessings!


  2. Jannette Anderson says:

    Dear Ras and Bev:    I cannot tell you how many times God has used your ministry to speak a “Word in Due Season” from the Lord.  In fact, February 25-March 1 were recent moments.    Although I never knew how you received my name for your daily posting, God used you.    Thank you!!!! May heart was given hope!

    Singing His Song, Jannette K. Anderson   “I have carved your name in the palm of My hand.”  Isaiah 49:16b  


  3. Thiago says:

    Thank you for your knowledge on this subject! I too am a firm believer in the importance of a strong family structure! After all God gave to us our families so that we can grow together and complete each others imperfections, and we need to work on our relationships especially during times of trial, and it comforts me to know that when things seem impossible to make right, there is always that one person with the answer, all we have to do is humble ourselves and ask our Father in Heaven! You guys are true examples! What advice would you have for a 19 year old young man? I want to prepare my self as best I can to work through the trials that are to come along side my future wife.

    Thanks again.


    • Robin says:

      Thanks for the hard work that you did to save your marriage. I am the recipient of two parents who love each other and love God. Your choices in marriage affect many more people than yourselves…and I for one am grateful for your choices 🙂 Your loving daughter!


  4. Manny Hernandez says:

    GOD BLESS. ..As I read your story this morning, it inlighted me “Have right attitude from TODAY ON”…THANK YOU.


  5. Nina Stone says:

    I hope you will have a chapter in your book about believing spouses married to unbelievers. I know I could use it.


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